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Yep, I've dated more than a few guys who pull this kind of crap. Ignore it and move one. He's just touching base because he likes to know you exist as an option.
it's still coming out of your wages DU
Weight is put on for many different reasons and a lot of that could be a more sedentary lifestyle, eating habits, self esteem, etc. All of which having a new love interest assists with.
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Bah, whatever. She's cute and I enjoyed meeting her. I hope we meet again. If not, I think it's a mistake, but I don't think there's much you can do once a woman is turned off to change her mind.
lbd x 2. love the tip toes pose and arch.
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I know you miss him....but so what? He's messing with your head and heart....who knows why and frankly who cares.
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I confronted him. There was disbelief > anger > denial > tears, a lot of tears. At first he said she's 'just a friend' and I wasn't accepting it. I asked him, what's the difference to you between a close friendship and the intimacy of a relationship. He said the quality time spent together. Yes, me too to an extent, but frequently fostering an emotional connection with someone else is not on IMO. He also admitted he lied about seeing her because he was afraid of a jealous reaction and did not want to hurt me. Separately he broke down, big heaving sobs and said he felt lost in his life in general.
These women I am connected with are pre-existing conditions in my current relationships. Anyone who asks me to unfriend them better have a more compelling reason than insecurity. I don't ever message any of them privately or engage in flirty banter or do anything that would give any reasonable person a cause for concern. At most I congratulate them when their kids do something great or give condolences when someone close to them dies.
oh my. wow. (y)Fuckyeah!
My dogs are my kids, so yeah, I consider my dogs in every important decision I make.
How do you even choose? Omg
So, should I ask for more details, like time frames..how long, when did it end, etc?