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Originally Posted by Shining One
List #4191
Thanks for the advice and the hugs. (And the spelling lesson as well.) I don't spell well when stressed. I wish it were all so cut and dried. He says he still loves me, has planned a special day for me today and yet says all the other things that confuse me and hurt me. I am just so confused and do not know which way to turn. Thanks again ... sometimes it just helps to vent and to get others perspectives on things.
heels make her look so good, what a lucky date
wise man once say: me like girl high on "pot"
Do you like her as a person? Do you know she is free of diseases? Are you confident she won't cheat on you? Do you enjoy your time with her? If you answered yes to all of the above questions, then it means her so-called promiscuity obviously has not affected anything, and you're being a fool for letting something so meaningless as a NUMBER get in the way of your happiness. So she likes sex. That's a good thing. So she got plenty of it while she was single. She's with YOU now, for a fairly long time, and presumably has been faithful, so what the hell is the problem?
You would probably still be in a relationship with this guy if you had admitted you made some mistakes and sincerely apologized.
I have a freind who is 47... she looks great and I am attracted to her, there is chemistry. But I won't go there because i know one day it will end and i would rather keep a friend and musical partner.
Jack has the Northeast, I have the lower midwest.... who has the Deep South? and I know ettu has a tiny little stronghold somewhere.
searched mound and feet did not find it- lost in the crash ?
Edison did 10,0000 times more for the human condition working for profit in a lab than he could ever have done wasting his time in a homeless shelter.
Looking for long term relationship with a good honest man that knows how to treat a good honest women. No games, been there done that, not going there any more. I want someone who still likes to.
yes- you do have nice boobs
Neat pic
if you want to message me snap me: heyimaustin72. kik me: ccfbisd. or find me on facebook: austin rya.
Recently move to Connecticut from New YorkLove guys with a good sense of humor and I can have a great conversation with looking forward to getting to know someone on a deeper leve.
Just logged in to your phpmyadmin from the old email :) Gonna use that one... and the comments are still there :D
I actually trust him and I dont think he wants to cheat on me at the festival. And even if he got a little too flirtatious his friends would pull him up immediately.
This girl, umm... I lost my train of thought
One of the best pics on the site, she's incredible
as cute as she is here she would look better with more of her little tummy exposed
She has no boundaries and no respect for her significant other/husband. She has no respect for you. She sounds crazy, going after your girlfriends.