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Well, I have been single for my whole life, excluding a short 3 month fling (that meant nothing), so I can't really say I have experience.
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Yep...only this one :)
Thanks for the advice!
I really think the way you relate to men is in need of some adjustment. Not only do you not have good relationships, you don't even have good interactions with guys. The cause is not only how you feel about yourself, but also what you believe about men in general. You have to fix both of those things.
You know you're an option but you're holding on. It's not changing so let go.
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Greetz. The crazy dutchman
I don't remember uploading a pic with a dude was it background if I did my apologies I really try to crop and stuff
yeah your definitely right. this needs to stop for good..i just hate how hard it is and how attached i am to him. how should i end it? do you think i should just block his number and ignore him? he might wonder why i'm suddenly ignoring him.
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Originally Posted by Toki
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I don't think I would have minded so much if I didn't get all dressed up and say no to my friends because I had plans with this new guy. I can swing either way at this point. I like him, and we have fun together- but I don't know if I should give it another chance.