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Thank you for all of your replies. I realize his insecurities are going to doom the relationship
Either that or he doesnt like your natural smell down there.
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Honest fun easily pleased homebody but I will go out and have fun. I lost my wife in April I am starting a new life.i miss being in love. To be happy I have to be in love. I want to share my life ..
Nobody on Earth "deserves" a "fair hearing" or anything else from another human being. Attention and time are freely given - or not.
nice braces and db on lefty so cute
Hi.in a stale marriage saving to leave husband messed around on me to many times unwilling to forgive him anymore I am shy faithful and a very obedient wif.
My questions are: did she ask for my email address in order to keep the lines of communication open for a possibility down the line? After all, she could have said what she said by messaging me on the dating site. Should I continue to communicate with her or leave it alone?
Keep in mind, reuploading your own rejected pics is still not allowed and may get you banned. This isn't a chance to just "throw it at the wall and see if something sticks". The rules still apply and not following them can get you banned without warning.
Roflmao!!!Too funny
What if their marriages are bad and they are meant to be togther.
Love everything about this girl :D
Because it makes all the difference in the world whether he is 18, 23, 28, or 33. Specially if he is 18.
Got in his car...
Your second paragraph -- that works for friends but not dating.
Thanks Tony! This calms me down a lot. I understand now that this guy wanted just one thing...But please tell me, when I meet a nice guy next, who like all guys is scared to lose his independence. Say he changes plans last minute. Do I say something or do I shut up? Most people out there would say that in the first few months you should play it very cool and act totally casual and have a no-big-deal attitude. How do I do that? I tend to take things seriously. I EXPECT a certain consistency. How do I change that? How can I lighten up and just "go with the flow?" Thanks so much!
It's not just bars because you can meet a good woman at a bar but there are banging chicks and there are marrying chicks and a smart man knows the difference.