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Very beautiful. Resembles 5th Harmony Lauren Jauergui
Those 6 downvotes must be blind
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This is all about what you think about yourself.
-he said he wants to take me on vacation the month after when he's less busy
the tacobell girl.... she's great!
However, I don't agree with this game of stringing things along. You should be bold and upfront - next time you meet, make it somewhere romantic, and then early on you should ask her is she genuinely in love with her bf? Does she plan to spend the rest of her life with him? If she says yes then you should cut & run. If she says no, then you have to tell her how you really feel - say you aren't prepared to wait around and be "friends" any longer, you want to be with her, and she has to choose either him or you. Then leave and wait for her to contact you.
looking for platonic male friends to go out with and do things..must be honest, loyal, intelligent, independent, funny and an all around good guy, as I am all those thing.
I also think that if you've really been dating for 5 weeks and IF she's mature, then you should be able to communicate your fears to her so that she better understands why you're not initiating more. I find this very difficult in my case, but I've made a promise to myself to tell my guy about it next time I see him.
Help me out, people! That was just a blatant mess up. Would it be too creepy to go back there next week? I don't want to seem like a creeper though.
Depends on what the end game of that meeting is...
Issue 7 he will fabricate more things because you are so paronoid, so fragile, so everything. What happened to Girl Power and Woman the stonger sex.? If you can prove to him that you are one of the few women in the world who can really handle teh truth without going AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR over every last little thing then he will tell you the truth.
both are really cute.
Hi..I'm just a good old boy looking for a hot young woman to have fun with. Maybe a live in lover if it works out! I own my own home and I have almost everything I need. Feel free to send me your.
Love that outfit
foursome umbrella stroller HOH
what a little body!
hooray for randoms. this is a hell of a pic.