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Just say " look. I hate to come accross as i nsecure or jealous, but I feel like u have cheated on me. If you have, I deserve to know. Please just be honest".
But what was even worse was the alcohol comment. You have ALL the signs of a potential alcohol problem. The signs are there.
My name is Eric, I'm 35 year's old. I work for a law firm. I'm finishing up my last semester at cal Lutheran, with a Ba in History. Then working towards law school. MY drive/dream is to become a.
I am quite flexible for going out or just chilling out with the right person.By the way i have 2.
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I'm a very up front person who don't have the time nor the patients for games. I prefer an intellectual lady despite the pics. I am smarter than the average bear. I also like someone with strong.
Anyway, after 6 hours of phone conversations, we are meeting for dinner tonight and if all goes well we are going to a hockey game tomorrow night. I'm very excited, but also not going to chase.
Take it up with the people who voted her here 6 times, who've cumulatively given her thousands of favs, who've created photolists just for her, and have praised her very enthusiastically. She didn't put herself here, nor did Lemondrop. A portion of the membership who like her a lot did that. It's their taste you're insulting.
STORYBTOLD: you used your final chance to the max now didn't you? Why the F you upload a pic with clear underaged girl? , multiple dupes. Your now banned from uploading / DIRTYD: your own dupe #146245 , crop or drop , watermark , borders (strike three, you're done uploading) / JOEMAN: borders (strike one, it's been a while since you uploaded, read FAQ) , crop or drop / FAMOUSDAVE: watermark (strike one) / KIRGHIZIA: getting tired of your crappy quality, not warning you again / MATI23: artificial overlay , crop or drop / DAMNRIGHT: crop or drop , your own dupe #148603 / JPBCARDS: dupe #146243