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achaseinthecrowd: My warning is in the comments of that pic. The pic you uploaded is in the April series (Page 2 of the series', middle row, 6th from left) The pic you uploaded is on page 3 of that series.
I'm happy to hear that you told him . Ok so now you are wondering what if he looks around? correct? I can almost gaurantee you he has the same thoughts. "What if she finds someone else that doesn't want to settle down yet? What if she just wants to have fun?" Also do you want to be with someone that would say "well you didn't do exactly what I wanted so I'll find someone else to do what I want when I want." That means you are replaceable. If he thinks your relationship is that replaceable would you want to be with him forever?
I am also going to follow the adive of the lady who said that if you give out love you just get love back inn return. Before my behaviour has been really self destructive. I have said mean things to my bf, looking for reassurance. But this has only led him to withdraw from me........he is sick of it all. The past two days I have just tried to give love and he has been loving back and it has felt really good. The best way to feel secure is by giivng lots of love because you get it back in return and thats what I need. Anger really does make things worse. I see a sparkle in his eyes because I am being nice to him and that is a better power to have than the power I have trying to get before. (controlling)
I would opine, if you otherwise have healthy and productive and loving relationships with friends and family, to keep 'doing what you do' and learning from it. 26 is quite young and, when that synergistic relationship dynamic hits you, all this stuff will be long forgotten, as will LS. Good luck.
For a start, one date a week isn't going to keep a set stable. Expect more girls to wander off, if that is going to be your routine. Whichever girl you want stability from needs to be given 2 dates a week.
a. he isn't over the ex - it only been a very short time
i know i know it was wrong! there was always sexual tension between us in the years, and she made heavy advances on me and at the time they were hard to resist. so i made a mistake and learned from it.
1. Don't worry about Friday
love the dark nips
bmxfreak20: Your uploads have consistently been terrible quality. Those underwater pics were complete crap. Final warning. If it continues, you'll be banned from uploading.
Maybe this OLD thing isn't for me after all. I thought I'd give it a shot since it had been awhile.
I don't really care for the "mushy" Hallmark type stuff, but when a man (my man) expresses a bit of vulnerability to me.... wow that is the ultimate!
perfect girl - young, sexy body, sexy outfit !!
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When I met my wife I took mine down after we had sex.. she did the same..
Well, you could always leave it up to her. Just let her know how you feel, but that you can't and won't act on it because she has a boyfriend. Ask her if you feel there is a chance for you two, should she find herself without a boyfriend. Let her know that if she chooses the boyfriend, you will respect her choice and back away from this (meaning that you will no longer put yourself in a position to see her or flirt with her - you will put yourself on 'no contact' with her - its the only way to get over her, really should she choose the other guy).
Your behind a domain firewall or blue (box for web security) if your in a corporation in NYC can be on exchange server if they're not using anything else. But I've worked in IT for a long time done a lot of networking.. But these people faking and sealing anyone likeness and saying they love you, etc.. it's all BS.
Ugh, yes. I remember this all too well. Mothers who act like helpless victims and demand that their children do the simplest tasks for them because they can't. Dominating every conversation with BS that nobody cares about.
Stunningly gorgeous!
Maybe mine are plain too ugly?
Funny and awkwar.
If you could believe this, I will share one more tidbit. She called a couple of weeks ago and intimacy came up. I tried to steer the conversation away from this as she was speaker and other people in the car would hear our conversation. She would say about intimacy, I am just not ready yet (do not forget, she was ripping my clothes off on the 3rd date) and I do not want you to be frustrated. If you cannot wait, then you can f@ck anyone you wish. It's your call. I really thought that was a weird comment and the way she put it (not the first time either), she couldn't care less. Hence, I felt I was a placeholder until something better came along.