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Jesus christ did you date my ex? I was going to make a more in depth post but it would be a carbon copy of this.
Short factual history:
I don’t think any guarantees about his ability to remain faithful is going to fix everything else that is oh-so-wrong, here. Just because you think he’s learned a lesson and needs you now, doesn’t mean he’s turned over shiny new leaf and is emotionally/mentally healthy enough to navigate his own life let alone a relationship with another person. In fact, what you’ve just described says opposite. And threats of suicide are [n]not[/b] expressions of love ... they’re the desperate cries for help from a drowning man who needs serious, PROFESSIONAL help from someone qualified and experienced enough to handle it.
Somedude is correct, this is very misleading.
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Thanks for the votes, everyone. My first HP! I have a few more of lefty, but none near this quality yet...
Married, 30+ yrs, enjoying my mid-life crisis. Lover of: food, cocktails, and laughter. Music is my staff of life. Love Jazz, Blues, R&B (60s). Various other exceptions. Love animals, have.
She put the word "ex" between quotes for a reason I suppose.
Hardworking, single and looking for new friends. I have two children and my entire life revolves around them. I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm looking for someone who has things in common, and.
i think his actions are innapropriate and if i found my bf doing that, i would leave him.
Well he got what he wanted: a break-up + her family now hating me.
yellow, red, black, lol
ya know... in those shades, she kinda looks like Bono from U2 in the face... smokin' body though
I am in a similar situation. 29, slept with two women since my first relationship ended. I have a good job but I am not rich.
I don't mean to pry and I understand if you don't answer, but you say you haven't drank in 2 years, and that you didn't sip the drink - Did you stop drinking because you're an alcoholic? And if your friend and her brother, the guy who likes you, knew that you didn't drink they shouldn't be offering you booze.
And great legs
(That should just about sum me up.
nice. 23514
I still am. I was out for drinks months ago with two guys I work with and one of them had a baseball cap on. As a joke I took it from him and put it on. He looked at me and went 'even hotter' and the other one nodded. It didn't occur to me until then that they saw me that way.