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Thanks guys! I think, I'm going to take the risk and we'll see where it goes. I can still feel out the situation and go from there. But I'll never know if I don't take the risk!
cheers for legs!
My plan be is my dream come true. I will have kids one day!! :-) I will CONTINUE to live with my parents & raise my OWN babies & take care of my parents as well. They don't want me to move out, they want me to live there & they want to be really close to my kids! They are SO wonderful I can't even begin to tell you!!
Little short dress and those boots. What a sexy combination
takes my breath away!!!
But on the sixth date, I offered to fix her computer and we met at a bar. We had limited time because she promised her friend she would meet her late-night to meet her new love-interest. We had ONE DRINK while hanging out for about 2 hours kissing, holding hands, etc. She started talking to a friend that came over at one point and she wanted me to hold her hand in front of her. When we left the venue, we went crazy on one another... making out passionately and I could feel that this girl may perhaps love me or at least like me A LOT.
Definitely yes, unless you think there's any way you can rekindle the original spark (if there was one to begin with).
I'm gentle and easy to get along with ,I can tell you what you think of me if I look into your eyes .am patients,loyal ,kind ,love ,compassion ,passionate ,understanding,sincerely ,honest and I have.
I saw her yesterday at the bar she works in. She was polite enough to me and my friend. This is where it gets funny, though. I asked her how her “date” went and she clearly replied that she didn’t go because she was ill. Fair enough. She did say she was seeing someone, though. Then her work friend walked past us and I asked her if it was him. She then, again very clearly, responded that it wasn’t. A few minutes later, though, her work friend came back and said something to her, smiled and then pecked her on the lips as he walked away! So it was him. I asked her and she sheepishly said they only just got found out or something. I then replied it would have made no difference to me whatsoever, as I don’t know him. I then persisted in questioning her (I know I shouldn’t have done that) and she basically got quite defensive. I then shut up, finished my drink and left.
ribs sweet
You need to flat out tell him that you are not interested. I'm sure you can find a way to be polte and still make sure that he completely understands.
I don't think I've ever been this angry on LS in my entire time here.
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Now you let her do what she wants, even if it means disrespecting you, everyone is seeing that she doesn't care much for you.
Actually I'm not living alone. And I don't have to worry about finding my partner on a dance floor, suspiciously entwined with another man.
He ran into the place with a very worried expression on his face and was all out of breath just as I was getting ready to leave.
Lovely casual meeting while in Dubaifor a brief vacation.Carolina is a stunning natural beauty with a sweet disposition and a hour glass figure to die for. Excellent conversation led to sensual teasing with her soft curves pouring out of her lingere... Led to some wet OWO while she carrassed my boys with her smooth breasts accented with perky nipples. We spent about 30 minutes or so exploring a number of positions . She has everything going on for her and is a 10 in my book.