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I suppose you could say I did jump on the horse too quickly but I'm not so sure. How are you supposed to judge these things? I avoided rebound in the months following the breakup because the thought of being with anyone else sickened me. He's the first guy since then that I feel (or felt) attracted to and we spent a month in contact rediscovering each other. How could I not assume that this was my big green light that I was ready to move on? How could I not have taken him at face value and assumed he was being honest when he told me he was single and I'd spent time getting to know him?? I had no reason then to distrust him.
The picture quality is pretty meh.
Put your thumb over righties head, an absolute gem right there.
We've talked about our pasts, i didnt mention being insecure etc because its only recently ive realised thats what it is. We both said about our morals.
Is this the longest relationship you've ever had?
YOU are responsible for what you allow into your life.
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Just to add to the above that while kissing another guy is cheating is the least grave of the things that could have happened... and she felt bad enough about it to tell you. I think many people here are really projecting their hurting feelings and bad experiences to you so please really weight the value of your relationship against the fact that she made this mistake and take your decision aside of what other people are trying to influence you to do (including me)
I'm a loving,caring,honest,trustworthy,loyal and God fearing man,I'm divorced and on here looking for a serious and long term relationship with a loving,caring,honest and trustworthy woman who wants.
I am an "a" cup man myself.
Breanna is one of the most beautiful things you would ever meat, o would marry her if she would say yes , Breanna o would die in your arms