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Two things going on here. One, you had your shot with him. If you slept with him once and then he didn't pursue you, he wasn't interested anymore.
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Is there someone at home he's wanting to reconnect with? Personally I just think that if he were serious about the two of you, he'd work at it more
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Are you having sex with and/or dating all these girls with all of them being in the dark about each other?
That would be my fear and for far too many trusting souls, the sad reality...
I know I sound bitter and I guess I am a little. I feel awful for not being a more enthusiastic bridesmaid, but I'm sick of my money, time, and energy being swallowed up by these things. I want my life back.... I can't afford to replace my own toaster bc I have to buy one as a wedding gift, i can't buy a dress I like bc I just blew $200 on a bridesmaid's dress I hate, and the list goes on. I'm tired of arguing with domineering maids of honor who want to spend $500 a person on the shower.
As the days grow shorte.
He told me that it isn't true. He DOES have a very LITTLE feelings for her but he LOVES me. I tried my 100% to make him special on his birthday as well. But...at times he used to spend more time with his crush. I thought I should believe him rather than suspect him.
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We've never cheated on each other we are together constantly. We don't fight and have never split up, he comes over and calls me everyday. He doesn't go out with friends because he says he'd rather be with me. I mean he talks to his friends when they call or stop by but he doesn't seek them out, I don't hang out with my friends either, I keep active friendships but I don't have the desire to go out with them.
He sounds like a nice guy. In other words, a wimp.