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but as far as experiments go...103 people peeked since I commented 7 minutes ago. The number of lurkers on here is insane!
on here to make new friends and maybe to find a girl to join my and my girls relationshi.
You like this guy and he seems like a catch. Despite the fact that he is shy/introverted, you let him do all the work the first three dates. I don't think it would hurt for you to put in some effort for a while.
Just wanting to have a friendship and see where it goes with a side of fun.
Sincere about chattin.
Hi..looking for someone close b.
i am just looking for someone to spend time with and hopefully it can turn into mor.
Originally Posted by RollingSonTy
And perfect just goes on (y).
I think it balances out - Men like to chase, women like to be chased and men will lose interest too fast if a girl persues too much
I wish more girls were this easily impressed. Offer to pay and they fall in love?