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Eventhough it’s not as bad as it once was a lot the same issues are still there... I don't have all this extra "attention" or possible drama floating around me. I'm not saying I don't think a guy can have genuine female friends but this feels like something totally different. Almost like he thrives off of this... their attention, their need for needing him and etc
I will say something POSITIVE to you, in case I haven't done so thus far...I commend you confessing your ways like this. You are VERY brave! You are admitting what millions of men do that would never risk telling.
True. Is there a certain time frame in which people show 'their true selves' in relationships? Perhaps we have now hit that at 6 months.
or date those who treat you the way you want to be treated......
extremely attractive and intelligent man seeking same.
I have some of this babe on page 7 and 8 of my uploads in her school uniform - shes top quality!!
oh jesus...goddess
I am Graduate in Industrial Engineering & working in Automobile Company as Asst. Manager - Sale.
Searching for someone who also love animal.
OMG! Jungangel.
....well, you fell obligated to your new boyfriend to do so?
You are ready when you're not scared of being hurt. Of course you'll remember what happened between you and your ex, but that shouldn't make you hesitate when you find someone you like. If you are wary about it, then you're not ready.
I saw Elena's ad and something just clicked with me about it. I met her and she has nice cozy home which helps in relaxing. She smells so good and she talks so good. She thought I was getting bored, but it was like music and makes you so relaxed. I will not say much as you should experience this moment with her and there are no words. Kisses babe.
Your flower man
What does he do?
Easy going older gentlemen who enjoys the company of younger women. I live in Wendover Utah, have been here for a little over 2 years no.
My guy said that he doesn't have a picture up and that his profile says he's "in a relationship" and "just there to help." I have to take his word for it, because I can't get online on friendster since I don't have a profile, and I don't want to check up on him. I don't want to snoop, I feel like that would cause more problems. The thing is, he didn't even invite me onto his network. He said cause he didn't want me worrying about the girl friends he has there. Is this a warning flag? In fairness to him, I'd expressed anxiety about some of his female friends before. But i'm getting help in therapy and I've been much better about it. Now I feel like he won't even give me a chance to prove myself and his defensiveness is starting to cause problems.
Thank you very much for your replies. You are right..
I'm talking about making moves (like going for a kiss or asking the girl out or initiating something) and being genuinely comfortable with yourself. Those are things that are a requisite for a man. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying it like it is.