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Rightie knows a thing or two.
And still, no contact from her.
Thanks all. Haha, I'm still going over everything in my head--not analyzing, just replaying. Everything was so on; I felt like we were in our own little world. This morning my housemates said, "You're alive! Seems like we haven't seen you in days." I just smiled real big and went on my merry way.
I can assure, 100%, that once you two are in each others' presence, the dynamic will change and the person you believe you are in love with will be different. It will not be the same person you are in love with right now because your mind is filling in the blanks where physical contact has been absence.
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thanks for the back up guys. I appreciate it.I understand the ins and outs, and the small mindedness of some people, so from now on i will just say things like 'nice boobs' or 'lovely bum' pmsl. As long as thats ok with the sad fool who flagged me. Cheers
Just a nice, tall, educated, fun, articulate, country boy at heart with a love for city life too seeking a true connection with a great girl!.
All this crap is awful. I mean, what if YOU had gone to male strip clubs (which are few and far between compared to the atypical "Badda Bing"), and done the same thing. What IF the roles had been reversed in this scenario?
It seems simplistic because you are talking about something different from me.
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Two sweet and very lovely girls!
I hate to say this, but your post reads as if you are dating my current GF 10 years from now. Really creepy...
I don't want to be in a relationship where someone doesn't feel the same way as I do for them.
Hi..I have lived and worked in the US and Japan for last forty years. After a long successful career, I am looking forward to relax and enjoy retirement. I have travelled extensively in Asia and.
Hi looking for friends first. Im a bit shy until you get to know m.