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She did text him the very next day and said "feel at ease, I no longer want you or have any feelings for you". He wasn't going to respond to that but I encouraged him to (maybe a mistake?) I told him I felt she was doing this turnabout because she wanted to say "see I'm not a threat to your relationship, I no longer have any feelings for you so now we can just be great friends" and she'd feel she had a way into his life as a non threatening friend.
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I have known my gf for almost 20 years, we were first in love about 10 years ago, and have gotten together about 4 months ago again...We are both extremely happy and in love, and we have both never felt this way before...Considering she is a very attractive woman who has been dating for 15 years (age 33) and has never been in a longterm relationship, i find her number of a little more than twenty intercourse partners relatively easy to digest...she has however told me, that she has had oral sex with about 60 men...is that strange? How do i deal with obsessing over it, even if i know that we have sexually reached new peaks for both of us together? Is this number astronomically high for a modern woman?
Even if it doesn't work out, I want to fully focus on nurturing this because he has proven so far that he has good intentions and I really like him.
Also, I don't use Reddit so I haven't seen it, but if they are really putting pictures of little girls up, that's foul.
I am new to this so i'm dipping my toe in to see what happens !Pls note that I am tired of immature women, I want to meet an older matured minded woman PLS.I would describe myself as energetic as I.
Will not give my number out to you creeps right awa.
And feed your kids.
Hey all...my uploads need some love..or some hate, whatever you prefer...just please review and vote so we can start adding more!
One word to give an overall review - WOW!!! Carla is girl next door, sweet and sexy. She looks exactly like the pictures and tastes just as nice. She seemed to fully enjoy our time together. This is one that I would like to keep to myself but that wouldn't be fair to Highly recommended! I give her 5 only because 1000 isn't an option.
im very confident that i will find a very special person.. to whom i will cherish for ever..
Haha ok sooo. I’ve been dating this guy for a year, and realized I’m not feeling fulfilled emotionally or physically. I’ve explained my needs but he hasn’t put in any effort. I’m not saying that merits what I’ve done but it has pushed me to this.
Alice in Wonderland
cute body.
Troublemaker, and she knows.
That's nice. Very nice
I'll find someone who has some respect.
She really likes taking pictures that shows her chest. Which is good, 'cus I like looking at them too!!
Halfway through the dinner I excused myself to go to the restroom, went to the waiter instead, gave him my Amex to pay the bill, and slipped him my good friend Abe Lincoln....
Her: how about you come out with me and my friends
more of lefty please.