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A man of integrity and character with a heart that is big and pure as gold.i live my life by strong morals and values,i am kind,considerate,fun,loving,sweet.passionate,down to eart.
it's cute how she is about to dip her toe in the water. great pic.
It's not easy to explain how you found this out, so honesty is probably best. Tell her you felt the need to look because you've been burned in the past and you wanted to make sure it wouldn't happen again. When you get to the part of her not having blocked him, do not be accusatory, but rather ask her how come she didn't block him when it was the agreement. Explain how it makes you feel and brings back bad memories of exes or something.
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Anyway, simpsonic, I know plenty of women in the same boat...and it's sad. It's funny how the biggest complaint out there is the amount of men who start off strong but won't commit.