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There is a story I think on here, were a wife went to San Francisco with a male friend for a mini vacation. When she got back it was to a empty house. Husband and son moved out.
That's how it should be. Being in a relationship should add to your well-being, not take away from it.
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Scant consolation I know but at least I feel better about myself and that I played a better game without selling out on being me.
Being semi-obsessed with another woman's instagram pics, esp. if he's hot for her falls into the same category.
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No one who respects you treats you like that.
yeh....I'm not offended my parents wernt born in Australia so I dont really identify with the shrimps and barbies etc...lol.
john_franco: Don't upload shitty pics of that same girl. i won't approve them just because it's her. Also, you are uploading too many terrible quality pics. be more selective.
I strongly agree with this. Honestly, I feel you dodged a bullet here--this man seems self-absorbed and weak in character. You were sex and money and maybe a laugh, but you weren't love to him, you rated only the bare minimum in respect and consideration.
Originally Posted by alyssatranswarrior
I know how you feel, but learned the hard way to never put all my eggs in one basket. Worse case, you have to tell the other women youre dating someone if you become exclusive, but cross that bridge when you come to it. Dating around could yeild you someone equally awesome that doesnt have the same schedule restrictions.
Hi.. If you are interested in talking email me at keithn777@yaho.
I'm referring to the previous 2 threads you had about this particular guy. In all of them he is just inviting you out to club last minute. He hasn't given any indication at all that he's interested in really dating you, which is probably why he feels OK texting to ask if you had a good time.
I am an active single mom with a professional career.I once decided that my purpose in life is to make a difference in this world, and have as much fun as possible. That is pretty much how I live my.
Every woman can be attractive, even married ones.