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What is it you want out of dating exactly? You stated in the OP that you wanted something serious. But your choices and your behavior suggest you just want fun, light casual dating with a bunch of guys.
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Lets take a look at what he is really concered about because he isn't concered about you. He plainly tells you what he is annoyed about. The fact that *him* and his *best friend* can't get a place on their own because of the money. He has repeatidly taken his friends side. A friend mind you, that he as admited acts like a douche but hasn't stood up for you. He expects that you will just move in with him and this friend that treats you like crap and then, when you don't perform like a monkey on a string, he breaks up with you because of how he interupts his treatment of him and his friend. He's annoyed with you but he didn't give a crap when his friend was treating you like junk. Again, he doesn't care about your feelings. And this relationship is going to lead to nothing but heartbreak. He has made no real or sincere effort to make things up with you. He has made no real or sincere effort to make you more comfortable with his friend. I don't care if he knew his friend for 1 million years. You are now in his life and if he wants you to remain in his life, he needs to make some kind of effort instead of acting like a spoiled two year old getting his toys taken away. Seriously, get out of this relationship. Not only has this guy shown you what he is about, he is friends with a guy that is douchie. A man's friends say alot about the man himself.
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Nothing to lose at this point, see if she takes you up on the raincheck. Maybe leave it hanging while you're in Australia and then when you come back, see if she made contact.
Tell her straight out you don't want her going, that she has poor boundaries and that the guy is going to try and come onto her. That in order for your relationship to develope that she needs to be respectful of what you want.
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You're not his girlfriend, your not his friend, you aren't even a FWB, you are in a NSA, one-sided relationship than he doesn't want to develop into anything more and doesn't want his peers (including women) to 'get the wrong idea about'.
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However, if you do not think you deserve the above bolded, then stay with this current guy. Or, if you think you deserve it but are very unattractive and do not get many people to like you, still chase after a man who adores you; it will just take longer, and you will have to go fr other very unattractive men.
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