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Hi. my name is Crystal. I am 34 years old and I have a 2 year old daughte.
would've been perfect then :(
But it's not a good sign. You have an uphill battle if you want to start anything romantic with this one.
The other thing that's interesting is you believe that the fact he buys you expensive dinners and took you on a whale cruise (I think you mentiond he paid for that?) means he loves you. But when you went on vacation with his family you had to pay $325. You paid your own way because he didn't much care if he went or not; maybe he was producing you for his mother's benefit since she loves you so much. "Bring that nice girl". Ok, but I'm not paying for it. If he was really so keen to have you on that trip, he'd have paid for the family trip not risking you wouldn't go, but not paid for the cruise.
I give every one 3 dates, if they are willing, to see if we can connect. Often, this leads to sex, I’m amazed home many woman who tell me they really want to go slow, take their time to find the right person before going to the “next level,” only to sleep with me on the 2nd or 3rd date. And, NO, I’m not some super good looking guy who woman find irresistible, nor do I use seduction tricks, it simply happens.
The above is what most guys would do. it's also what you would do if you are ONLY looking out for yourself. Someone has to look out for you.
Takes about 15 minutes. Like most it'll probably shock you. Unless she's using some form of cheater I messages
We made it! (y)FCL lives
She's a tiny girl, needs a MUCH smaller bikini!