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*whistles* That's one adorable youngin.
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Sex: she only wants to do mish, and makes excuses for other things
That was a war that raged on for months until I finally told him that I was done with it and I was leaving the relationship. He 'complied' -or, actually he didn't, because soon after that, I stumbled upon them and sat in shock. He claimed that he had just forgotten about the agreement. They're gone now and it's out of sight, out of mind for me, but it still hurts me that I had to ARGUE with him to put his PAST into the past.
Line 4: "without that burden you feel whenever you don't want to be with someone, but do it anyway."
My guess? Its a game to him... How many times can I get into her pants.
Let's leave this site together? I am looking for a husband. I am here not for fun. I am not interested to change partners. I need stability! The stability in a relationship. In me you will see a.
looks like the writing is on the wall. he still talks to you so he didn't quit it. he probably likes you and is embarrassed that he caught feelings when he said he wouldn't. regardless if you only did it one time, people don't need sex to catch feelings. sounds like he was trying to open up to you and he got let down so now he doesn't know how to approach you. you can either try and make it easier on him by being understanding or tell him staight up that you don't want that kind of relationship and either start over as friends or go your seperate ways...
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ZA, you don't need to be accepted by women to gain confidence. Just get good at something. Anything really. Weight lifting, stamp collecting, video games, whatever. Become the loveshacker who has the least amount of grammatical errors in the history of the forum if you want. The attitude that comes with being good at something and taking pride in that can start infecting other aspects of your life for the better. Until it spreads to the relationship area. And women start to notice.
So, actually my friends did a bit better than I originally remembered.
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I think it depends on the age of both involved.
Also I agree that making sure that I am not around the ex would be the best thing for me to do....
Then, you can meet this other girl.
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My last ex couldn't orgasm from sex, or from anything. Had never had an orgasm. It was very sad. It didn't make me feel inadequate at all, however it was sad because let's face it -- women orgasming is extremely hot and fulfilling.
or an Aussie ?