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You should be able to get to a point where you can quasi-joke/ask her out and get a response and if she rejects you make it seem like you weren't 100% serious and that would help alleviate any future awkwardness. If she responds with a positive-type answer you can push it further.
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From early in infancy, girl brains are more interested in smiling, communicating, people and security; while boy brains are more interested in objects, actions and competition. With higher levels of testosterone, the male areas of the brain are more developed, including the parietal lobes responsible for sense of direction, visualizing objects in three dimensions (good for catching a football), and mathematics. Without testosterone, the language centers of the brain are more developed, which is why girls like to talk and boys like to play catch. In addition, testosterone beefs up the area of the brain that is interested in sex. This ares is twice as large in men as women. He really is more interested in sex.
I hope to be good friends with my ex one day! But not any time soon, and I would not spend a lot of time with him if I had a new person in my life.
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I'd 'next' her, to be honest. She isn't interested in being actual friends with you. She said that to let you down. The whole 'friend' thing is such bullsh*t. All it does is appear to leave a door open that is actually firmly shut.
So he starts out by asking if I want to know what took place. I was aloof and indifferent, told him that at this point, "it" and "nothing" much mattered..but that I supposed he could humour me and tell me (I was calm but sarcastic as all get out).
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I don't take it all that seriously. Don't let it bruise your ego, its stupid. If you can usually attract an 8 in real life, expect 5's and 6's to reject you online. That's just how it works.
Perhaps, but where am I going to find such a person is the question.
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Don't use texting words, it's a pet peev.
Even though she's not showing much skin she still looks drop-dead gorgeous!
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But...is there her rearview?
The main areas you want to learn about are sales, persuasion, marketing, pricing, communication, leadership and delegation, and productivity/organization/time management.