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So it seems we were good for a run at a relationship, but not for the long haul. Actually, I joked to him that we would be a good second marriage for each other. Like, when we're 55, the kids are already raised, and we can just on vacation together. haha.
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Another trick I've learned is to express feelings in a gentle way. I can talk about my feelings with detachment without getting over the top emotional in the moment. I also like to discuss my feelings after I have some time to let them settle.
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"so I contacted her, she just inquired about my ethnic background and said said sorry, That's it seems pretty racist to me, probably had bad experience.
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I wouldn't mind being married, but I've just discovered something about myself: I have been so used to living by myself that I don't know if I want to share a dwelling with anyone else--other than my daughter. I'm used to her; heck we even shared my body at one time, LOL.
this bloke was upset cause his grans ill and my gf her gran died last month, shes still pretty down about it and I guess they were having a bit of a heart to heart (all of which is no excuse) The whole damn thing isn't like her thou, like I say shes normally really quite round people she doesn't know that well, I dunno, ugh.
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I met the stunning Amanda yet again, and it’s fair to say that each visit is way better than the…