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My friend, this is no way to get a woman/girl or anyone you are interested in so chalk this up to experience and learn from it. It's okay...we all had to learn the "straight talk" is the "best walk" towards success.
Consequently I became to obssess about her, somthing I vowed not to do having done this over my EX's ex too. I would spent ages looking at photos of her, at how pretty she was, and her nice expensive clothes etc...and looking for her stuff in his apartment which was still EVERYWHERE. Phots everywhere etc....We decided to move in together and apart from photos, we chucked all her stuff out. But I cant stop thinking about her.
I smell I rat. He could be telling her anythign about you to explain you away, and maybe she's as naive as you are
Write to m.
I know it's hard for many to reconcile the two, Texting is just another vehicle where we can spell out our feelings. the drawback is always in discerning exact tone through text.
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However after that point... things got a little complicated, he is a very busy man and on the weekends he is with his daughter... and so am I... so we did not have any real time together... we are always rushing.. and when we are with our children and spending time together... I feel like we are like friends and the spark, romance, passion disappear... He is very protective with his daughter and since he is absent during the week he tries to compensate that time on the weekends... and I understand that... I am in the same boat...
Relationship really cooled after that for a few months - during which time he suggested she move to Australia (to work but obviously he said she should stay with him)