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I'm surprised your bf still haven't met your friends in a social gathering after being together for 8 months. Yes, I believe your bf should meet your friends. As another poster said, it's integrating him into your life.
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I don't think this is salvageable but I wanted to ask for someone else's opinion. I'm thinking of just ignoring her for a week and if she doesn't reply just delete her number and find another girl.
My suggestion to you and all others is this about texting vs. calling ...
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This will go on for decades, do not do this to yourself.
Beautiful girl here. Wish I could find more than the three images on here.
Is/was there an "honesty" issue, or is it really all about trust? Unless you're leaving something out all we know is that he has some friends who are female and you don't like that. Do you think he's behaving inappropriately with them and being dishonest with you about his relationship to these female friends?
Girl is actually not bad looking so decide to go ahead. And what a great session it turned out - nice slow foreplay moving into some lovely DATY. BJ was rather short before she stops and condom time.