Ni when it's right: a prophecy Ni when it's wrong: jumping to conclusions Te when it's right: spot on organising Te when it's wrong: paranoic tendencies Ne when it's right: optimistic, prepared for everything, imaginative Ne when it's wrong: grave overestimating of a situation's possible outcomes Ti when it's right: perfect logical and realistic reasoning Ti when it's wrong: completely biased opinion based on stereotypes Se when it's right: adventurous, fun, instinctive Se when it's wrong: recklessly dangerous, thoughtless, impulsive Fi when it's right: empathic, deep Fi when it's wrong: selfish, stubborn Si when it's right: perfect memory Si when it's wrong: the good ol' days Fe when it's right: understanding, compassionate, Fe when it's wrong: manipulative, superficial. Cheating and adultery on a wide scale Happy Holidays! They may be surprisingly interested in emotional stories as well. Ni when it's right: a prophecy Ni when it's wrong: jumping to conclusions Te when it's right: spot on organising Te when it's wrong: paranoic tendencies Ne when it's right: optimistic, prepared for everything, imaginative Ne when it's wrong: grave overestimating of a situation's possible outcomes Ti when it's right: perfect logical and realistic reasoning Ti when it's wrong: completely biased opinion based on stereotypes Se when it's right: adventurous, fun, instinctive Se when it's wrong: recklessly dangerous, thoughtless, impulsive Fi when it's right: empathic, deep Fi when it's wrong: selfish, stubborn Si when it's right: perfect memory Si when it's wrong: the good ol' days Fe when it's right: understanding, compassionate, Fe when it's wrong: manipulative, superficial.
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They may find that they enjoy emotional stories and making romantic gestures. Okay but can't we all agree that "there's bravery in being soft" is the most INFP quote ever? They can also have an appreciation for aesthetics and have sensory interests such as decorating, dance, etc. Anonymous asked: Sugar Daddy! How to develop Si This one is quite easy. Buricko usually did that. Are we alone in the universe?
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Even so. Never go by what a girl says; go by what she does. If she really wanted she could have kissed you, or if she was really into it, would let you go all the way. "Take things slow" means "Not take things at all". For whatever reason, she's not feeling it right now. That can change, since peoples' emotions are constantly changing, but when you run into a girl who doesn't give you excuses as to why she can't let you touch her, or why you two can't date, and instead find a girl who reciprocates your feelings; you'll look back on this and laugh at why you even gave it thought.
wow so very cute. wish there were more
My suggestion to you and all others is this about texting vs. calling ...
What's wrong is that that's virtually ALL he's doing. He's not calling much and talking to her.
wish she was on my balcony
Dollface (y)
Howdy Admin :)
Only the sleeze bags visited the strip clubs back in the day.
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I guess I need to see what she feels and how she sees us. And what she deems appropiate..
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yay, more #152358
Well I don't need HIM to give me a ride per say, if he can't come then my friend will definitely give me a ride. I was just trying to say IF he can go, we would drive there together and then be free to leave together as well (without all my friends tagging along because they have their own rides.)