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Yes. My ex did that. He'd say exactly that, and my answer was: "It wasn't funny."
Hi. l am looking for a good guy who will spoil m.
Hello my name is Mark I live in Whitesville, Kentucky I am single 49 year old gay man looking for friend and fun I like all age guys but i like younger guys a lot I like to meet some guys for.
OMG, so you ADMIT that there are guys who would be completely trying to get into your pants and that you still stay hang around them for the attention? The fact it doesn't bother you that they are disrespecting you as a person by only speaking with you for your body, and the fact that you're completely okay with them still being your friends?
i love to write act dance and sing i'm 5'5 have 2cats 1 brother and 1 niece. mom and dad and to many other relatives 2 coun.
Ive learned not to try and save relationships with too much negative energy....especially when theres so much early on. Its prolonging the inevitable end. The relationships that are good for you will not take all this trouble. Thats what Ive told myself as I got older.
Thank you for your replies and honesty. In response to Balthazar, when I said I want a life with one man for a long time, I mainly mean I don't want to play around with younger men who not all, but some cheat and lie. I want to be with this man for as long as I can be. As far as I know, he doesn't have any health concerns, he is somewhat new to this area so I'm getting him to see my doctor for a full checkup. He is not rich by any means, in fact the complete opposite, I prefer not to get into details. It's not about any of that though, I will get a job and even if it pays very little we will be able to live off it. I don't know about the attraction to older men, I have been with a couple younger men but I never felt a connection.
Secondly, think for a minute because the story doesn't make sense. On the weekend she had to do all the shopping she should have done that evening. But she's been with him. So how long she'd been in his car? remember - She got home only at midnight. TOO LONG!!! I guess it was 2-3 hours at least.
*side note* (for example, the other night she was going to go to bar night with some friends including this guy she has been hooking up with who clearly likes her but she doesnt like yet continues to hook up with him, then i told her i wasnt going and she was like oooh ill stay with you! and he was like are you kidding me?? and THEN these three huge football players walked up to us and were like no you guys ARE copming to bar night and i was like eh no thanks and she was like ok! and walked away with them and the guy she has been hooking up with lingered around with me and was clearly VERY upset and kept saying things like why would she do that? poor guy. i dont know if its possible a person could not realize when they do things like that...)
How can we give you advice when you give so little information?
After several months of minimal contact, and as another woman came into real life, the prior fantasy (which didn't feel like a fantasy at the time) faded. I lost interest in this woman. I completely got over her, which was something I never expected.
Hi.I teach math, visit mom at Las Fuentes on a regular basis, go to Planet Fitness, hang with my dog...oh yeah, Whiskey Row, baby! ;.
righty is a keeper. nothing wrong with lefty either
can I play?
So tonight there's no dinner and sex with him.