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Girl is beginning to date other people, but still thinks about him everyday. Girl feels that the truth of the matter is that he doesn't really care for her that much after all.
Lets start by saying am a person very hard to please plus am very stubborn and think aloot..i first saw Carla's profile last January and i didnt like i want to see because i thought all the reviews were exaggerating and so she will think the world of herself..but then she posted a selfie video of herself and the moment i saw it it was like MAGIC CAPUTRING MY MIND and i decided to see her..reached her place and saw her for the first time i was still in little doubt but as soon as we start kissing she BLEW MY MIND AND HEART AT THE SAME TIME neverless to mention the little guy down there turning to a hard rock gaint..Tasting the honey dew treasure between her thighs was by far my best experience to date..and as soon as my eyes were used to the lighting in her place I SAW THE MOST BEAUTIFUL EYES that really took my thoughts into captivity until now.
I am really sad i didnt contact u earlier..Sorry for the late review and until we meet again.
Fair enough :)
Dude, you can't spell worth of ShIt.
I'm a big and beautiful woman who is looking for her Mr. Right. I've been looking on sites for awhile and about ready to give u.
Not creepy really, although I hesitate to think what a female version of me would be like .
Wow, that's wrong of him!
On another note, ALL my recent submissions were rejected. That's a first I think. lol All is forgiven if one of y'all can show me how to do a :thumbs up: emoticon. Thanks! :)
Oh okay i gotcha!! I know exactly what you are talking about! Ive dated quite a range of people over the past year. There were a few girls that used me as a door mat and a few that i just couldnt take and got rid of them. Ive always subject myself to opening myself up to someone fairly quickly. Ive learned alot over the past. Now i know to sit back and enjoy the view just like you say. Am i creating an image to myself of her? Absolutely not. Infact we knew each other for about 2 months before we became exclusive. It that time she became a friend, and we just talked and started to learn things about each other. She grew pretty strong towards me and was the first to admit that she had "some kind of feelings for me" I didnt want a relationship and i told her that.
im in love with these cheery girls
Perfect body! And, she looks smart and worldly. Nice combo.
for your information, we did NOT break up over opp sex friends. we remained together for several months after that incident. i left him because he couldn't get his crap together in his life, ie he lost his job and was content to lay around the house and NOT look for another one because he was supported by family. i found that unattractive and not conducive to someone that i wanted to build a future with.
He said "the 'i miss you' part" and I told him "That was from when we weren't hanging out."
she has another pic here somewhere. It's nice too. keep!
It's funny to talk about this stuff and then think of him blissfully unaware, going about his business in NY. He has no sense of how neurotic or obsessive I am and would probably be shocked (rightfully so) if he ever read this.
I suspect you were looking for a bit more of a black and white answer though few answers in life are black and white. So I'd summarize what I had to say as:
yep nice bird, good pic too.
Now this is perfect or damn close to it