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I think, for the first time in my life, I can honestly say that I am ready to settle down. I am already in my late twenties. I think it's time. Everybody else is settling in marital bliss, at least in my circle of friends.
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And yeah, women talk about men too. Like us though, they do it amongst themselves. The few close female friends I have had do let the cat out the bag when it comes to what they talk about. Some girls talk a lot of sh*t though, especially about things like penis size. I think girls don't know how to measure - as I found out the 1st time I eventually had sex.
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Baby bait with a beautiful face, lips, and cute little boobs. Perfection.
Her body is insane. So hot.
I've been told by every man and woman out there that this issue is something that women just have to accept--that it's human nature.
I have a GF who is from a foreign country. She is currently living with me and we are "testing the waters" to see if marriage is where things are headed. One very small issue has come up and I want to know if I should be upset.
Based on what you've written, I agree that you have been more than accommodating, more than understanding, have been more than reasonable with your expectations and explanations, and have articulated all of it well to him.
Hi. I am an a very friendly person yet a bit reserved..and very adventurou.
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dont take it seriously or personally, maybe they arent ready yet, maybe they are afraid.
I think he's just not that into you.