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As for someone who has no interaction with their own child, I think that speaks volumes about the type of person they are. They help make a child, but they run out on their child?
For offline dating, instead of hitting on the women or buying them drinks, see which ones hit on you first. Make sure you workout. Joke and talk to women, men, little kids, grandmas, everyone.
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I'm really nice,cool,easy going, and cal.
Then SHE brought up the whole idea of coming to visit me, in a email that included things such as; "... I really like you a LOT ... I wanna see you again - SOON ... I haven't been able to sleep - thinking about you ..."
Try to look a little deeper than just, you get irritated, and then he gets irritated. There's always a million thoughts and feelings going on below the surface of a relationship. If you can pull out the main themes, feelings, ideas, then you can attempt to change those. If you can't... then nothing will change.
There is no light without shadow, lets just concentrate more on the light instead of being obsessed with the shadow.
"Stoopie Face Syndrome"! Try it (in quotes) as a search term.
I would like to state clearly - it is okay for men to hang out with their friends, and even women of the opposite sex. While, I would agree that it is disrespectful to hang out with other women - alone - it still happens, and sometimes can be permissable in a relationship. It is the fact that he lied about it, and is now hiding it. There is a good chance he is going to turn this around on you if confronted.
Yes, I've tried walking and he does stop me from walking out! He tells me that I'm going to mess up this relationship and that I don't what I'm doing this relationship blah, blah, blah! I say to him "don't you dare turn this around on me" and the argument just goes in circles! I'm ready to leave! Not making excuses to stay. Just want to confront him tomorrow night. I may not get the answers that I want but at least I will have closure. Yes, I'm hurt and he replied in a cowardly way. It's best I calmly talk to him and just ask him. "Is it that you don't feel it or you are scared to say it?" Even though I think I have my answer I want to hear it come from his mouth.
I've viewed this several times and just now noticed a dog in the picture.
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granted his mom asks a lot of questions to make sure people are okay, happy, whatever... but she is so nice and thoughtful and loving and he shows he does not appreciate it
Congratulations HellsPride. Worthy homepage.
I think that might be a dogwood tree
They haven't even been on one date, and just made out. They are extremely far away from needing a conversation about exclusivity - I think if you re-read the OP you will see this. This wasn't a joke - it was a dead serious question she couldn't bring herself to actually ask.
TOO OLD !!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by OCCDAVE