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Now... get married and then you hangout a lot
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If you were still together, I can understand why these comments could be valid to think, talk with your friends, and start threads about. As it stands - what a waste of time.
Hi I am a pretty chill person a little shy around new people but when I get to know you I am fire cracker I have an out there personality I like to have fun and let loose I live in the moment and.
I Like to.
Hey, bub, let me genitellya. Learn to live your life a little bit without your girlfriend's influence. You don't have to tell her every time you go to the bathroom. The incident was unfortunate, nobody was hurt, no harm done, and no gossip will ensue, hopefully. Just forget it. Learn in life to cut people some slack. It was wrong for this girl to stare at your Freddie but feel sorry she's never seen an adult penis before and be happy you were her first. Don't tell anybody about this. Learn now there are things that happen in life that you just keep your mouth shut about and you'll have a lot happier life. The only circumstance in which you should tell your gal about this is if you feel rumors of this incident may get around. But because this strange girl doesn't have your name, she'll only be able to describe your penis to her friends and male genitalia mostly all look similar, just in different ways (Yogi Berra). Keep quiet.
You have done everything you can do at this point and did all the right things by the way..