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So, I told her how I felt. It was somewhat cathartic. I told her that she is a selfish POS and that is not relationship material. I made her cry, which I really don't feel sorry about.
What was so damn compelling about his dysfunctional toxic ex that made him fall in love with her? Well, he claims, she was intelligent, opinionated, put him in his place, her culture! Really? Like her, I'm very intelligent and opinionated and have other wonderful qualities as well. I'm guess in his eyes I'm just not worthy of being said I love you to.
Eventhough it’s not as bad as it once was a lot the same issues are still there... I don't have all this extra "attention" or possible drama floating around me. I'm not saying I don't think a guy can have genuine female friends but this feels like something totally different. Almost like he thrives off of this... their attention, their need for needing him and etc
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My God, how does a simple man like myself find a girl like this?
I hope you feel better though. I'm sure this is more stressful then you would like.
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Basically, many girls play hard-to-get just as guys do who practice some of those PUA tactics. To increase their "value."
If your mind is on the 76 directions in which you are being pulled, that 5 seconds may be too much at this time of year.
Congratulations on getting you life together doggy. You will be missed but you can't fault someone for wanting to be more responsible for their family. Thankfully, I have no family so I am free to be irresponsible for my entire life (lights another joint)
There is this guy I have been seeing for about a month and a half.
I don't know what to write lo.
That sounds like a plan. Good luck!
Now I know some people reading this will go 'what a square' but this is my belief. It is like having a religious conviction. Maybe I am being silly, but to honest i dont want to sleep next to her tonight I am that disgusted by those comments.
Righty's got it all.