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I had the best sex in my life with my ex, and to this day, he would tell you so, but he still cheated and would create emotional distance---that's when I knew something was up.
Onto her. Her friends' reactions are most telling. The fact they ran up to diffuse the situation indicates they figurd either she was in the wrong, that you are unreasonably jealous, or both. Without seeing with my own eyes, I can't judge what was going on with your gf. I think you probably have some jealousy issues based on your chocolate excuse to check up on her, but even with jealousy issues, that doesn't mean she wasn't also in the wrong.
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Haha you said that about Sunday! And wasn't she possibly free Sunday? And then all of sudden she had this thing that's been planned that just slipped her mind? Or something like that. Busy or not busy, not buying her excuses. And if she's that busy, why is she dating??? Hmm. And do you wanna date someone you can't see you for such stretches? Maybe
So perfect.
fair enough...but if i could throw my 2cents in...more of her please