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thx, i was just curious, I dont want you to get in trouble, we share the same girls I wouldnt do that to ya LOL
If anyone can give me hints on what to expect, I would appreciate it. I'm a little nervous, and don't really want to be taken by surprise by anything.
The proble is, we have no idea what to do now... At first I was so angry and upset I vowed never to go to his house again, but that feels like punishing my boyfriend for the actions of his family... My boyfriend doesn't know what to do either, as he feels like his family are trying to force him to choose between them and me... And although he has many family problems he clearly doesn't want them to never speak to him again. It is such a mess. I am supposed to go away for two months in a few weeks, but right now I feel like I can't leave my boyfriend alone when his family situation is like this.
I live on my own, not by choice but family is passed on, friends are married and have their own wives to deal with who are clingy and needy as well. They can't get away. I have to go and meet them at their job to hangout with when I can do that. I rather be on my own for now. I am okay with it. Doesn't really bother me. The women I date have all sorts of mental issues. So until I weed them out I am on my own. But you have someone that loves you and you love her. You have to decide on this one because we here can only suggest what you should do or not. But the final answer is yours. If it was me I would be so overwhelm and welcome her attention to be with me always. I wouldn't complain about it and make the effort to give it back to her. You know if anything happens to her what would you do, how would you feel. Think about that my friend. It goes both ways. Are those friends you have more important to you than her. Just maybe you should think about that. I say you are not ready for a woman like her in your life. You want a woman that is independent and carefree instead of intense not independent woman.
Very sexy girl, met her last week and had a good time.
Girls like to be teased kinda like a kid sister... don't be afraid to teasingly make fun of us (and be sure to smile when you do so). Practice teasing girls that you don't "like" and it'll be easier once you find "her".
She's just a chick who isn't interested. That should not rock your world to the point where you let it affect who or how often you date.
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Average looking girls, and rather bland poses. An okay pic but hardly worthy of praise :/
But really, you are young and hot! You can do so much better!
But I don't want to get used to hearing from him every day for two reasons. One, If he ever stops calling I will feel like he's not interested anymore. Two, none of my friends call me every day. The only time I talk to the same person every day is when there is a committed relationship.
This figure is quite deliberately covered up, by all other institutions, by burying it in the suicide rates of happily married men who are a large group with the lowest suicide rates of the lot. This cover up is achieved because most of these suicides occur in the year between separation and formal divorce so these men are legally still married even if divorced in all other aspects.
Unless you have spoken about exclusivity and removing each other off of OLD, she's allowed to still date and see other people. I know it is disappointing but you could communicate with her and mention your interest and your want to take it to the next level.