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He says he does not want a serious relationship because it is too much for him, he can't always be available for another person when he can't even do that for himself. He doesn't want to hurt me and doesn't want to waste my time. He says that he thinks the depression he suffered some time ago may still be lingering.
Session review with Domina M - Paris, FR:
i am interested in knowing however is whether any of you have dated someone who had previously cheated in a previous relationship and whether they told you about it and whether they repeated the same while with you?
I mean really, sending 283 messages? How invested could you have been in those 283 random girls? It doesn't sound like you're trying to connect as much as you are desperately throwing lines out there hoping that anything bites. Girls can smell desperation. That's why they avoid you.
Ok, setting aside cultural differences: you two either aren't compatible or you should consider if 10 years of singlehood/dating has made you too emotionally guarded. It is probably both right? You can't go through 10 years of dating and not be a romance veteran. And you're a very active dater from what I can tell. So you develop boundaries. You've been there and done that. You've been hurt. You've hurt others. So it is really hard when bombarded by effusive puppy love to do anything other than should "whoa tiger!".
Him: "Because that's a pretty offensive requirement."
This is a sign of good judgement and good character since such a person is more likely to be just as loyal to a long term, permanent romantic partner. That said real loyalty of that kind needs to be earned with time.
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