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All those guys she's text are more than friends.. Never forget that fact. Woman like her is doing they own game play. You found out because you were more aware of what she was doing. You stare she stare is another way she likes to be focus on. You and her a new and now old and gone.. She's nutty and liar you just don't want her if you did she would destroy your self-esteem.
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I forgot to add that he said he was glad I was giving him guidelines and he was willing to learn. That the last woman he dated ran off also for these reasons but she just cut him off instead of warning him.
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Advice needed.
She has 3 kids from 2 different dads. The first kids father ended up committing suicide in 2005, and the medical records state it was induced by a reaction to bee sting antivenom and alcohol. Apparently he had a history of these things. The 2nd father was never the husband, they went out for 2 years and had 2 kids. She is currently in a child support battle for the kids with the father, whose own father is an abusive bleep and has a criminal record for 2nd degree rape.
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