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I'm 21 and my boyfriend of a year is 23. Yes, I know we're young. I'm in my last year of university and am still at home and I absolutely cannot stand living here. I fight with my parents all of the time, and despite the fact that I would probably struggle, I feel like my mental health and overall happiness would skyrocket if I moved out, even though I'd be broke as a joke.
The friend of yours could be a little jealous that they aren't getting the same treatment, or able to give the same treatment, or something of the sort... Honestly... If you're good with it, do it. Then when you come back and say,"holy crap that was the BEST" your friend will be eating dirt.
Again, you're just going to have to figure this out for yourself. However, I must warn you never to expect anything from anybody. When you start doing that, you set yourself up for massive disappointment. But I also must tell you to DEMAND respect. When you don't get it, just tell the person you're moving on.
I've done many kinds of trades so far in my life time.
While I've never actually lived with some one who I am interested in romantically, I can say that I would probably not marry a person who I had not lived with, unless it was an extreme clash with her moral values. I have seen many relationships ruined or close to ruined because people have decided to move in that have not been ready to do so. My girlfriend and I have decided to take this aspect of our relationship very slow, for obvious reasons. She as well would never marry or even get engaged with a person she hasn't been living with for at least a year. As you can see neither of us are particularly religious.
Im a very compassionate, loyal &.
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if a women in her own mind thinks her man is less of a man for asking for expensive gifts, then that women is either selfish or at least cant expect the man to buy her expensive things. works both ways. if a women does buy her man expensive presents, i think its a sign or a mature understanding person. aint nuthing worse then a un-understandig or selfish partner.
will you explain later on?
Actually, I do and the trends are disturbing. You may call it being more selective but the result is that stable successful romantic relationships are in decline in this country. That is because we have a dysfunctional dating culture that is making it harder and harder for people to form real romantic relationships:
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