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Ask her if the roles were reversed how would she feel about you staying with some sweet, young, honeys alone on a pleasure cruise ship without her? If she gets all noble on you and says she wouldn't have a problem with it, then do it. Remember, a healthy relationship is based on equality.
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Evolution benefits the more desirable, "better" traits. As I've said, the solution is very apparent. If you want better success, be a better person. Success, power, strength, health, beauty, and other resources are "better" and more attractive than the lack of those things. And the more you have, the better. If you want to be more successful, get more of those things. You have to adjust yourself to the environment. The environment won't adjust to you no matter how hard you complain about it.
I went through a similar situation with my boyfriend. I found explicit emails from one of his exes. After a big blowout, he apologized. I asked him to tell her to back off and those messages were inappropriate to send to someone with a girlfriend. He contacted her and she sent an email saying that she was drunk, apologized and said she didn't mean to cause problems between us. She lives about 5 hours away, so she is no real threat and from what he tells me, she has no class either.
gee, lisa, I mean 7, isn't that kinda harsh?
I dont know your exact story but it sounds like you have been hurt as well recently. I know when this first happened I had serious trust issues that I thought I would carry with me for awhile. I have worked hard on regaining trust in people. I have a thread on it if you want to read about. it.Trust/Jealousy
Exactly!! Step 4 is VERY telling. I would pretty much be offended if my date took a hard line on going dutch, at least on the first date . . . but, I'm in my late 40s (borderline baby boomer/Gen X). It always surprises me to see paying for dates as such a hot-button issue on LS. Could it be a generational thing? As we've gone from Gen X --> Gen Y --> Millenial, you combine the proliferation of online dating with a tighter economy and a more pessimistic outlook on the economy's future.