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No, a woman like this wouldn't be ok with it. A woman who was confident wouldn't turn a little test into such a big deal. The woman you describe is unconfident.
hey mysticalstar,
I bet lefty's envious.
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I've had more than enough of the bad boys--really, one was enough. He was an ******* who made me feel like everything wrong was my fault. I have a good man now and I am not letting him go. He listens to me, makes me feel understood, loved, desired--while not being a pushover. He challenges me and excites me without coming across like a d*ck.
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I get what you are saying, but I know for a fact that my bf is very capable of saying ILY. He told me that he said it to the crazy ex girlfriend after 3 months! He actually told me that he fell "in love" with her. That is why after dating him for over a year and he can't say it to me is a bit confusing.
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Originally Posted by Andy_K
There has been a few girls who had lead me on and when I responded back, they pulled way back as though I was a creep. That hurts. I learnt that if they want to be friendly, they can be friendly but I'm not going out of my way to reciprocate.
No, no attempts. Either end it or don't. I think your gut is telling you something is up and your boyfriend was not able to address it in a satisfying manner. Do you want their contact to stop completely? Then an ultimatum is the only way. You better have good arguments though. Most people don't like their non-romantic relationships governed by their partner.
I'm in Afghanistan. I'm not a stalker..but even if I was..I'm in AFGHANISTAN, so you have nothing to worry about. He.