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That was about two weeks ago. I'm fine with being friends, so I was thinking waiting like one more week?
I'll just add some key points in case I didn't mention above, I'm 19, he's 61 now. We've been together 10 months. I want a life with one man for a long time. He loves me, I love him. He's separated from his wife and divorce will be complete within a year. During that time, in fact right now, he is looking for a new house for us. We are really serious, and I'm just looking for insight and opinions, please don't sugar-coat anything.
Ugh I don't want to overdo it though if everything is ok. I said I wish I could have and that it would have liked to see him but he probably wouldn't have liked to see me because i'm super stressed and I should be free later this weekend, is that not enough?
The sweetest character a girl can have! I can say I'm very passionate, emotional and sensitive. I can explode fast but at the same time I move on easily. I like to make people smile and happy, I'm a.
I'm with vsmini - I don't care if the man of my dreams walks into the building, I'm not ever, ever, ever doing this again.
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I know an ordinary looking short guy with no college education who manages a gas station for a living who hooked up with 3 different girls from OkCupid, one of them being his current girlfriend. There's no way he messaged more than 50-60 women. If he can manage that, whatever you're doing on an online dating site is very, very wrong. I think the biggest problem is, at least from reading the sample messages you've sent women, you seem cold and completely lacking in humor.
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