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Thanks so much I would appreciate it!!!
Telling will bring drama into your life, a lot of reaction and fallout. Unless that's what you are looking for? Reaction from your ex??
Love Lefty's eyes. and her cute cheeks!
TrialbyFire, i wouldnt touch AXE with the shi*ty end of a stick!!!
That is a downward spiral. It will never get better because it takes HIM to do something and he is apparently doing very little, but just enough that you would think he is doing something and it gives you a reason for more justifying and him a reason to say he is trying.
Sorry this happened to you. I had a parent die a while ago. I wouldn't dream of treating anyone like this person you described treated you because of a sick/dead parent.
damn she has beautiful skin
What rules?
look at that skinny waist
I guess some cant be happy ... I just commented an hour ago on who were the 3 that clicked dumped but it looks like a new rotation on this pic
P.S. They're also pretty hot. Really not sure what the problem is. I've tried hard to meet all the requirements for posting.
One friend has a theory about me that I am simply cheating to self sabotage. I always seem to be on the edge of being caught out. Not placing the blame on anyone else but me, I know cheating is a choice but another theory of mine is that I dont think I am worthy of my lovely current boyfriend. If he so much as passes me my hand bag or pours me a glass of water my mother exclaims about how spoilt I am! and how I dont deserve such a nice boyfriend. She has no idea about my cheating I guess she just says it because she thinks im worthless and not worth caring about.
More of her?
Mature, single, non scene guy looking for mates and holiday companions and fu.
Hello all I pride myself on a grounded relationship with the lord. I would be interested in a man that is after God's own heart. I think that we need to focus on taking a good look at our hearts and.
He is having sex in his mind with every one of those girls he is getting off on
I had no clue what was going on and I really didn't care. I was more concerned with having to survive dinner with my boyfriend. Around 6, I asked him where he would like to eat and invited his mother and sister to eat. They refused and told us to eat at "The hat." We drove over and order some food but again I couldn't eat much and I was feeling horrible.
who want's to share his love and pion with that special gir.
OP, I agree with what you did, but I would have tossed in a comment like, "You can use it next time too," or something like that to keep the sexy vibe going.
But I think a simple Risk/Benefit ratio examination will be all it takes to guide you to a decision which allows you to be honest with yourself, and to live with integrity.
-light ass pattery and punching;carrying you about, general group roughhousing
Great db, sweet eyes