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Bed* ... Damn Typos....
Just run, nothing here but pain agony and dysfunction.
We have been "together" ever since. We decided he should move in his sophomore year. The only time he doesn't spend the night night with me is when he has road games/family visits. Even when he goes to parties he comes home.
It isn't that I want to be more experienced than her, it really has little do with being the "victor". You are right though, it has caused me to feel a bit of resentment towards her, as I can't help but blame her for her past. Rationally of course I understand it's pretty shallow to do that, but I just can't get over it. Though it would crush her if I even took a break, I feel as though I owe it to her to get over my jealousy if it inhibits me from really committing to our relationship.
well I don't have patience to write the full story so I will list some rule.
i wonder why this site doesn't allow me to delete the accoun.
he has an egotistical personality -- People who wear this label are selfish and feel as though they are invincible and untouchable. This situation was a matter of when, not if . . . Perhaps, you've been wearing blinders or he's been really good at covering up things, but I seriously doubt this was some kind of bad karma for him.
Thank you all for ur replies they all make sense. I'm just so hurt and lost idk what to do
Fuuck me that is soo sexy
I've also gone on first meets and they've gone quite well and we dated 5 weeks before their bi-polar issues took over.
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not bait.... :(
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I'm 5'1, dark brown hair to the middle of my back, about 95lbs. My son is 10 months old and the best thing to ever happen to me. I have been in a horrible relationship and im looking for that one guy.
I am sorry to hear your story. I think a 52 y/o and a 16 y/o is morally dubious and belongs on Trisha
Cute, but not showing anything
LOVE volleyball players!
"i met with kara the second time and she took for a tour in her sexy world of fun.
Her boobs makes me want her the more and her tight pussy makes the sex amazing.
And it was all girl friend experience
I just moved to kentucky from ny and Im trying to find an easy going girl to hang out wit.
She was able to get a credit for most of it although she has to book in the next 30 days and fly within 6 months.