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I say she's skinny, but not too
He's out of your life. From what you've shared with us, he was 100% looser doucheguy. I'm sure you can continue to trot out lots and lots of things he said and did that were bad until the end of time. What for?
Going forward, you need to develop better boundaries. In particular, you need to realize that situations such as these will come up again, and it is on you to say no. (Just as it would be on a man in a relationship to say no to another woman's advances.)
My point is, you're saying this guy was coming on too strong and being creepy, and yet YOU WENT HOME WITH HIM AND SLEPT IN HIS BED. YOU are sending craaaaaazy mixed messages if you really believed he was "creepy."
Don't make excuses for your affairs, or try to bullsh*t about them, that only will make you look like an immature coward. Act like an adult and take responsibility for what you did. Time is the big test.
Discussing this all the time is like beating down a dead horse. He says to me that I must trust him in order for the relationship to work and my paranoia regarding his speaking to other women is irrational because these women are just friends and nothing more. He says he loves me and would never cheat on me but I have been making him feel suffocated and controlled as if I was a mother disciplining a child. Do you think the solution to my pestering him is to not react to his actions for a while? Maybe it will ruffle his feathers, since he is so used to my controlling and overbearing reactions. Perhaps it will aide in him changing his ways??
I have been with Daria a couple of times, and I am sad that the last few times I've had to cancel. Daria is very sweet and kind and funny. Her English is perfect. She is always very responsive and will try to please you, she will try anything too!
In terms of attributes, she has tan, perfect and smooth skin, she is super tight in the ass and I am not that big, but she loves it just the same. She has an amazing set of hips. I have never felt such a rock hard butt and tight legs...she does work out!
Courageously introducing mysel.
LOVE it!
Yeah, she's so sexy....