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I'm opposed to women that only befriend guys. And there are too many of them out there.
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"When the door opened I saw an amazing surprise this tall sexy woman with the curves at the right places opened the door in a see-through body suit. The pictures really don't do her justice.
You've only seen her twice in ten months? And meanwhile she's been going to the fair, going bowling, going to dinner with this guy? Man, I'm sorry to say this, but I don't think you mean much to this woman.
You're not technically dating because she's keeping her options open - she's having her cake with you and eating it with other guys too, apparently. I'd move on. dasein is right - when people are into each other, you're not left asking questions like, "Are we dating? Are we in a relationship? Why is she kissing other guys?"
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He is not really related to me, neither by blood nor marriage. My sister is just unfortunately the incubator who gave birth to his children. She wanted to abort his first child, fortunately no one would give her the money then gave him up to his father when he was 5 months old because she got caught in bed with a 15 yr. old boy. She knew my boyfriend was the father of the second child but when he refused to get back together with her just because she was pregnant she went and told another man he was the father and let my boyfriend's second child believe for 4 yrs. that someone else was his daddy. When the DNA tests were done to prove who the father was she acted surprised then called my boyfriend and told him that he better get over there and get his son because she couldn't handle him anymore and she was going to hurt him. I do not feel guilty one bit about being in a relationship with her ex. She screwed my first husband several times throughout my marriage to him and she tried to screw my second husband but he wouldn't do it because he knew what a tramp she was and still is. She and I are sisters by blood not by choice and regardless of what anyone says blood is not always thicker than water. My being with him was not because I couldn't find anyone else outside of the family, it just ended up that way.
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Lighten up.
I am usually an upbeat person and try to be kind to everyon.
Never angry and smile to the worl.
You shouldn't cheat on your partner and egg him on when something you do triggers his feelings of when you cheated.
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التقيت الرملي قبل يومين. حجز لها لمدة ساعتين. هذه سيدة جميلة جدا وتعامل زبائنها بشكل جيد جدا. وقدمت تدليك كبيرة. سوف نرى بالتأكيد لها مرة أخرى
ساعتين ليست كافية مع هذه المرأة الجميلة. أحبك الرملية. نأمل أن نراكم قريبا حبيبته.
I have recently moved closer to my boyfriend but sharing with housemates because he wasnt ready to move in with me. Previously, I was living an 1 hour and 1/2 drive away from him and everything - my work, university, friends, him were all where he was so I would stay at his house a lot, like 4/5 times per week. I had my own key and it would be fine for me to be there when he wasnt,etc. Now I only live 15/20 mins drive from him and I only see him about 2 nights per week. I guess its not that convenient for me anymore. The thing is though I dont think he even cares! It still feels like I am the one making sure we spend time together all the time together. I have this intensive course for this week and next and told him I wont be able to see him that much. But somehow I still seem to be making the effort.
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Hit me up I needa girl ❤️.
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