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i love this girl. found a few of her on here, are there anymore of her?
So, she also has a drinking issue...
I told him that.. He assured me it wasn't and just becuase things started sexual that didn't mean there wasn't more there. I still was hesitant and called things off. Since then, we have continued to talk online through email. I gave him my new number and he has been trying to take me out on a "real" date and wants to give it a go again..
Talk to him...cry your eyes out...dont be afraid of letting it all out.
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Note the vote on this. 1-0
I would pack up all of the OW's stuff in
Hi..I'm a pretty easy going lady. I am young for my age, no one ever believes me when they ask. I am really looking for friends that may turn into something more. I have had a few relationships in.
I would define myself as a spiritual person able to be present to what I do and to the person I am communicating with. This is how I am in a relation friends or love.
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Would you want your future son to love a girl he has only been with for a year more than you?
How many times has this girl been HP? Two or three times. Thoroughly deserving though.