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Lament the loss of the relationship, but don't for too long. You seem like a good guy whom somebody would be very lucky to have in their life. Always remember this chick confused your kindness for weakness and in the end you have given her a valuable lesson in how not to treat someone you purport to love. Whether or not she learns it, is her affair now.
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This past weekend the ex showed up once again, this time at a bar with his friends. I was uncomfortable from the beginning, but did not want to alienate him from his friends. A game of keep away came about because they were fighting over a karaoke slip, and she pretty much mounted him grabbing every part of his body supposedly trying to get back this slip. It was his fault for starting the incident to begin with, and not telling her to get off of him. This went on long enough for me to sarcastically remark about it, about 2 minutes and finally it subsided. After that I was so enraged that I couldnt do anything but demand we leave. Having been in the car for barely 5 minutes, his phone was ringing and i assumed it was her. He didnt answer it, but it was his friends cell number. The next day i found out it was her calling to apologize to him which i think is bs. she had to assume calling him would only fuel the fire. We've been fighting about it for 2 days now, and i dont know what to do.
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Shes a very very outgoing girl but In her defence i donteven think shes trying to make me feel awkward but having breakfast with yourbf's ex while shes all "daney can you bring me more juice" and imsitting there - his gf and wouldnt ever call him 'daney', its always dane - and it just is awkward
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I know that there are some guys that hide behind friendship in order to get sex but I can honestly tell you that my guy friend is not like that. Yes we cuddled once but there were numerous other chances and we did not succumb to temptation. I honestly think that we are really good friends and that he is not a threat to my relationship with my bf.