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Originally Posted by winny
oh snap, oh and she is hot
I definitely want to give it a shot before I call it quits. How long do you think I should try to show him non judgemental love? I've been doing this for about 3 weeks now. I'm hopeful things will improve but I'm worried I'm getting placed in the friendship category
She's a bit nervous around you, and from where I sit it looks like she wants to make a good impression of you to her friends. I think what you're seeing as stand-offish behaviour is just her way of showing that she's a bit shy. Nothing wrong with that. Let her come out of her shell on her own. You can help by being supportive and aware of her shyness, but confronting her and getting all bent out of shape won't do anything positive.
A sweet soaking wet bikini babe with great legs and very cute feet!
Love to travel, have been doing so for the last 45 year.
agreed that ass is PHAT
[on the flip side, if you keep thinking he/she is beneath you, you'll start doing the whole pompous rejection crap ]
SBD ninja
so this one made it ? weird
Before I met my now husband I had a planed a summer vacation trip with a large group of friends, of both genders. We had done this in the past . . . a lot of people sleeping in a relatively small space but all singles got their own beds or shared with a same sex friend. I was "assigned" the queen pull out sofa bed with a childhood female friend. These trips were never about hankey pankey -- just beach, a few drinks & fun. This trip had been planned for a while before I met DH but occurred 3 weeks after I met him. I went. He didn't say one word. Had he attempted to tell me I couldn't go, I would have dumped him in a heart beat.
what a cutie. Smokin hot fully clothed
Hey Admin or other approvers, can you please tell me why my uploads weren't approved?
Anyway, I would appreciate some honest feedback on my profile. I have a ton of photos of myself too; so what I look like is pretty obvious.
bray wing, so descriptive !!! awesome girls
Another thing I wanted to mention were the following readings.
Sorry this happened to you. I had a parent die a while ago. I wouldn't dream of treating anyone like this person you described treated you because of a sick/dead parent.
Do you think I should stick it out and find out if we truly have something here...I'm thinking if we do, the other guys will fade out.
any advice or thoughts would be very helpful. thank you.
As long as her exes ...are just exes, and not a big part of her life anymore you don't really have to worry about them.
WOW Stunning