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28 keeps. if thats the same chick in #54447 then she needs main gallery status. but i'm just a bum, what would i know?
From what I can see, he's not a good man for me since he has so many other female friends. I don't understand why he's trying to dominate my time and attention. If he didn't call me so much, I wouldn't even worry about the other women. It just seems like his words and his actions differ.
I made plans with him today to see him at the end of the week and before he goes away for travel for work. I posted here to get some objective opinions and I appreciate what you guys have to say. I know his actions need to support what he says. I'm not quite ready to give up on anything yet, especially as he hasn't even done anything that would lead me to be suspicious. I'll try and talk to him about how I'm feeling.
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Ah, I'm beginning to see now why you are so insistent this thread. I had forgotten about this post. Now that you are back home, have you noticed those two hanging out at all or talked to him about her since you got back from college? Are you thinking she may be part of the reason why he has been the way he has?
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Exactly. Whatever it was, it is no longer.