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What does your bf have to say about it? That's really all that matters.
All the problems you stated that you have. there is noooo way you can resolve them in 2 months and women know this.. thats why most dont even give men a 2nd chance. In 1 year maybe 2 years you can turn your issues around... the long distance hurts you the most. More than likely there is another guy and every little thing you do is a check list for her not to like you.
I feel like I thank him. I don't know. He cheated on me in May because we were fighting so much which is why we broke up. He apologized and said it was just a mistake, but I couldn't get over it and he kept seeing this girl. So about a week ago I finally said ok and he says he told the girl it was over. But then the next night he was over there again. He said he just wanted to see her one more time. I'm starting to feel like all of this is a waste of time. So then he tells me that it really is done and he wants to grow old with me and wants me for the rest of his life and loves me. So then we get back together and the fighting still happens. I was down in Florida but I came back to NY days earlier than I was supposed to so that we could spend time together, but I think he was there again last night. I get off of the plane and there's a voicemail for me saying that he was going to Six Flags with some of his friends from home and that he would talk to me later. I don't believe this for many reasons. 1) He gets off of work at 8:30pm. We live in NYC. By the time he would've gotten to six flags, it would've been closed. 2) He would have had to go directly after work and I seriously doubt he went in his work clothes to a theme park. 3) He's from Trinidad, so I also doubt his friends from home are here. They all go to school in Washington DC. 4) He has work at 9am the next day, so I don't see why he would go in the middle of the week. 5) He told me that he couldn't see me today and that Wednesday would be better for him. 6) I know he was online at 10:30 last night because he requested me as his gf on facebook. All of this after i bought a ticket to come see him earlier. I think he's still seeing this girl and I don't know if it's because of our fighting and things are easier with her, but I just don't appreciate the lies. I told him that if he wanted to see her, then he should do that and if we're meant to be, we will be. But he keeps saying he wants me and not her. I just don't know anymore. My friend told me to just go talk to him tonight, but really, what could he say?? Probably something along the lines of he left work early and I didn't get the request until hours later so something must be wrong with my email. I know he's gonna come up with a barage of excuses. I just dont' know what to do anymore. I keep thinking that if we stop fighting then things will be different, but then I think that the majority of the fights are his fault and he's doing it on purpose to make an excuse to see this girl. But why not just tell me that he wants to try things with her???
What in earth is going on here.....
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Hi.I'm quirt n laid back but I love God n church. I like working out n biking I like jazz movies walks spending time with family n you. I'm interested in someone who shares some of the same interest.
Like Fierce, I'm a people watcher. Just last week at an NBA game I used the ladies' twice. There's two long, long rows of stalls, but only about 6 sinks. I cannot tell you how many women I observed during those two visits coming out of their stall only to walk straight past me as I washed my hands at the sink - but still fixed their hair and applied LIP GLOSS!!! It's insane, but it happens!
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All you can do, as a man who thinks that he is a good man rather than one of "those", is go forth and keep doing what you've been doing.