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When you post about your break-up, we'll be here to assist...!!
rum n beer: WTF? Did you just become a moderator? If so, shouldn't that be formally announced to the members? Otherwise, anybody can do what you did here. Well, if you are a mod now, congratulations.
ettubrute- you'd have to do something really horrible-like take my mother out for a nice dinner and never call her again-to get me to leave this place.
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I agree completely. What ever happened to calling and talking vs this texting garbage?
First off.. If you're looking for a hookup or to scam me I'm too smart to fall for your games.. Go bother someone else.. And the cheesy pickup lines don't work on me..
Well for starters I'm sassy, and I have high demands in my desires, and have got to have control. At the same time I am laid back, easy.
After we hung up he sent me a screen shot of a texting conversation with the girl he said was his "friend." She said something like "looks like the universe is trying to bring us together even more, I saw you on Match. He tells her "I'm on Match?" and she says "yes I saw you on there earlier." First the conversation did NOT sound like a girl who is a friend which pissed me off. Maybe like someone he once went out with before. I also found her on his FB and hes liked all her pictures as recently as the last week of October. BUT the main thing I saw in this conversation was he had it with her at like 8pm. He tells her surprisingly that he didn't realize he was on Match. When my friend sent me the screen shot it was around 4pm, and he had been active in the past 24 hours. I don't know how Match works but it seems to me he was on Match within 24 hours prior to having the conversation with the so called friend.
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Hey i am new to the area, looking to meet locals, I am a fun outgoing guy, willing to try new things, cant wait to get out on the town and experience HI with someone interestin.
I'm totally messed in the head as well. Long live tan lines and cottontails!!
I'm 40 looking for a relationship. I like tall men. I'm serious ¬ looking for games or drama. Would like to meet someone with kids &same interest. Preferably in steinbach¬ married;.
I am kind, honest, open romantic and understanding. I have a very good sense of humor and I know what I want. I have had my fair share of nutters and weirdos in life so far. I am not interested in.
Hi. I was born and raised in the south. Im from lafayette la. I had lived here in salina bout 7 years ago well now im back..
This ! I was too taken advantage of this way. She blamed her betrayal on past insecurities, and blamed the one in are relationship on our insecurities
Ahh love the "my first bikini" look of hers.
Yes. That sort of quaint conduct used to happen in the olden days. Sex isn't that sacred.
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Is he 18 or 19 years old? I can see someone whose that age using texting as a form of communication, but a supposed GROWN man doing it? That's pathetic.
Why not? Loveshack is defined as 'interpersonal relationship center'. This is much broader than dating in the traditional sense, the thread is in the Dating section because it started as a dating situation.
Travelled a lot, lived In many different.
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