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Ok, so, I've been posting alot about dealing with my recent breakup. Its been rough. I've had a hard time coping and I'm just now coming around to a reasonably good place with it.
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Thanks for your reply Ninita. What is your story?
Then they are ugly. Sorry to burst your bubble.
You probably know the person, but the question is how.
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DU - Sorry for the three doops, hopefully this next batch has less, preferably none. ;)Hello to all the members out there tonite!
She told me they both went over to another work buddie's house(the guy who i know likes my girl, which she swears up and down, she doesn't like back)
Anyways, things seemed to be going great when last weekend I met her out and she was all over me (kissing me constantly, holding onto me and grabbing my hand all night) which il be honest was to my suprise, as It seemed to me in our all of our conversations upto this night that she had been playing hard to get. We had some drinks, dances and a couple of long conversations. Her friends brother ended up picking her and her friends up and we kissed goodnight an left on a real positive note.
Yes he is right in his reasoning, if you'd cheated on him and he punched you everyone would be aghast and get you to go to the cops.
Very, very nice Mikitira!!!
You're both of you ripping each others' lives apart.
Also #54117
The last time I saw him at work was in the breakroom and other people were there. He doesn't usually go to the breakroom and he knew that I had break at the same time as him, so I'm wondering if he came back early to talk to me. I mean, he wasn't talking to anyone else. We didn't really talk though aside from hello. I could feel him looking at me. I didn't look back as I felt like everyone was watching us (they know something is going on) and when I did look, he was busy with his phone. I walked out without saying anything to him. What could I say?
I didn't mention anything I liked about her because that is irrelevant to my topic. She is fun to be with, we have excellent humor, she is kind and caring and cute. If I didn't like her I wouldn't spend nearly as much time as I do with her. We even spend the nights together when she is on her period and doesn't want to have sex. So sex isn't everything in this relationship.
Some of you may recall from odd postings that last year I had a bi three-way with my gay best friend, and this incredibly hot guy that we picked up. Hey, we all have our moments of wanting to experiment - lol. Never did it before, or since, and have NO regrets. If you are the type to judge bi-sexuality, or are too close-minded to understand these dynamics, then please stop reading now.